For in stock products, we usually ship within 1-2 business days.


Red Dirt USA LLC offers a 30-day return, refund and exchange policy.

Returns, refunds, and exchanges may take up to 3-5 business days, not including transit times.

It is recommended that you return merchandise with a carrier that offers tracking numbers and full value insurance on the parcels. Red Dirt USA LLC will not be responsible for any packages that are lost while being shipped to us.

Items that are unused and in the original sealed packaging can be returned. The return must include accessories and manuals that were shipped with the product.

If the packaging has been opened AND damaged, the unused product can be returned subject to a 10% restocking fee. The return must include ALL accessories and manuals that were shipped with the product.

Shipping charges and/or shipping costs are not subject to refunds (unless error by Red Dirt USA).